Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

SVG to dojox.gfx Javascript convertor

Sunday, May 31st, 2009

I have created the first iteration of a SVG to dojox.gfx converter. This will enable easier transition from designing an SVG document in a program like Inkscape and actually using that SVG with Dojo’s experimental SVG tools. As I said, this is the first iteration, so if it doesn’t seem to be working correctly, let me know. I hope this helps some people who ran into the same frustration that I did. Here’s the link.

MMMS makes IBM’s alphaWorks!

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

I got some more of my work on the IBM website! Now, MMMS is hosted on alphaWorks at IBM. Here’s the link to the MMMS page on alphaWorks. It’s always exciting to see your work go up in prominent places in a big company (I even got a bio on the MMMS page!).

iCalendar Recurrence Works!

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

I finally got iCalendar Recurrence implemented (as per RFC 2445 for those of you who know what those are). I am very excited indeed, because just implementing the recurring events took me quite a while and quite a few lines of code.

Funny Eclipse Error Message

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

So, today I was working with Eclipse, everyone’s favourite IDE, and it randomly popped up with a little alert window that said:

‘Processing Dirty Regions’ has encountered a problem.
An internal error occurred during: “Processing Dirty Regions”.

I’m not sure I want to know what Eclipse’s “dirty regions” are, why it was ‘processing’ them, or why it failed.

iCalendar Recurrence

Sunday, April 19th, 2009

The iCalendar specification isn’t fantastic to begin with, and if you dig into the bits about recurring events, it gets even worse. I decided that my calendar application I’m developing needed to support importing from and exporting to iCal format, because that’s what all the other major calendar applications use. When I started looking for an implementation in PHP, I found lots of forum posts asking for the same thing I was looking for, but no complete implementation of the recurring events. So, I decided to write my own… I quickly found out why there aren’t any complete implementations – because the specification is an absolute pain. </rant>