Archive for July 28th, 2024

Adaptation and Appreciation

Sunday, July 28th, 2024

I’m reading the Apollo 11 Flight Journal and an off-hand comment stuck out to me. The three astronauts are on the 4th day of the mission since they blasted off from the planet most of us never leave, orbiting the Moon for the 5th time on its far side and completely cut off from contact with Earth. 30 minutes ago, they copied down updated instructions for when/how to fire their engines to return to Earth in case of an emergency. The lunar surface is so close it fills their view and the Earth appears tiny in comparison. In between discussions about which equipment to move into the Lunar Module and where to place a particular bracket, Michael Collins says to the other two:

084:02:19 Collins (onboard): Amazing how quickly you adapt. Why, it doesn’t seem weird at all to me to look out there and see the Moon going by, you know?

084:02:25 SC (onboard): [laughter]

I’ve always felt humans have a phenomenal ability to adapt, but this comment really drove it home. For me, this ability to adapt feels like both a blessing and a curse. It helps us succeed in circumstances we couldn’t ever prepare for, but also enables us to quickly lose our sense of wonder and appreciation. Reading this comment by Mike Collins reminded me, at least for now, to try to be more fully present and appreciate what is around me, even if it is no longer novel.